Specialist Teaching and Learning Service

Welcome to the website for the Specialist Teaching and Learning Service (STLS) for the Dover district area.

On this website we hope that schools across the district will be able to find the information and resources that they need to help them support their children who have Special Educational Needs. It is a site that we are still developing so we welcome constructive comments and ideas that might help us improve it.

Please use the tabs at the top of the page to navigate your way around the site and to access information.

What is STLS?

The Specialist Teaching and Learning Service for the Dover District (Dover, Deal and Sandwich) is made up of Specialist Teachers, based at Elms School, and staff from the District’s Specialist provisions. The STLS aims to advise and support Early Years settings and main stream schools to build the capacity, and confidence to deliver high quality provision and inclusive practice for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND), to improve pupil progress and outcomes. The STLS is accessed through the Local Inclusion Forum Teams (LIFT) meetings.

Specialist teaching staff are sensitive to the fact that meeting the needs of pupils with AEN within mainstream schools is often challenging and they seek to offer practical support to ensure that the pupil’s needs are best met.

We feel that both pupil and parent voice and participation is vital to ensuring successful outcomes for all parties, and are central to our work at all stages.

Latest Courses

Attention Autism

Term 3 and Term 5 course dates.

Price TBC (FYI- it will be under £100)