Meet the Team
The STLS work in a collaborative, solution focussed way, using the skills knowledge, expertise and experience of the STLS team together with that of colleagues in the District Specialist Provisions, our mainstream schools and partner agencies. This approach is fundamental to our support and advisory role.
Sean Mohan
Inclusion Manager Dover District
Working Days: Monday-Friday
Tracey Cook
Specialist Teacher (Social Emotional Mental Health)
Working Days: Monday-Thursday
Angie O'Gorman
Specialist Teacher (Communication and Interaction)
Working Days: Monday-Friday
Sam Armstrong
Specialist Teacher (Communication and Interaction and EYs)
Working Days: Monday-Wednesday
Stefanie Zintel-Warner
Specialist Teacher (Social Emotional Mental Health)
Working Days: Monday-Wednesday
Cloe Atkins
Specialist Support Worker
Working Days: Monday-Friday
Sophie Hammond
SMILE Resource Manager & Training Co-ordinator
Working Days- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Sarah Finch
STLS Administrator
Working days: Wednesday-Friday
Rachel O'Donoghue
STLS Administrator
Working Days: Monday and Tuesday